Can rabbits eat peanuts

Can rabbits eat peanuts

Let’s know about Can rabbits eat peanuts. You may be wondering if it is safe to give peanuts to your rabbit. While peanuts may seem like a fun treat, there are several reasons why you should never feed them to rabbits. Even if you have fed your rabbit peanuts in the past and your rabbit appears to have been fine, it is still wise to avoid peanuts if there are plenty of better food and treat options for your rabbit.

Can rabbits eat peanuts

Read on to learn why peanuts are bad for rabbits. We’ll cover the potential health hazards and give you better treatment tips. We’ll also look at whether peanut shells and peanut hay are safe for your rabbit. (1)

facts about peanuts

Peanuts are actually a legume. Despite having “walnut” in their name, they are not tree nuts. Peanuts are more closely related to soy, beans and lentils. Nutritionally, (2) peanuts are known for their high fat content. They pack a lot of calories into a small package. While they are low in carbohydrates, peanuts are a good source of protein and an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. (3)

Why are peanuts bad for rabbits?

While peanuts may be safe and healthy for human consumption, the same criteria differ greatly for rabbits. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems as well as other health factors that make peanuts a poor choice at mealtime or as a treat. (4)

no nutritional value

Peanuts, as well as peanut butter, have little or no health benefits for your rabbit. In fact, peanuts give the opposite result. If you feed your rabbit peanuts or peanut products, you may be doing more harm than good. Your rabbit may become so full or sick from eating peanuts that they will not eat their regular, healthy foods, which can lead to major health problems. (5)

high fat content

Because peanuts are high in fat and calories, there is a risk of excess weight gain if you feed peanuts to your rabbit on a regular basis. Obesity is a serious health problem. (6) Overweight rabbits can develop heart and digestive problems, urinary tract problems, and skin conditions.

difficulties digesting peanuts and other nut foods

Your rabbit has a tender, sensitive stomach that isn’t equipped to digest other types of nuts, such as peanuts and walnuts. The nutritional makeup of peanuts, including fat, high levels of certain minerals such as phosphorus and calcium, and high sugar content, make peanuts unsuitable for your rabbit’s ability to digest them. Excess sugar can promote the growth of bad bacteria in your rabbit’s gut, which can lead to upset stomach, bloating and diarrhea.


Peanuts can be a potential choking hazard for rabbits. The texture of peanuts doesn’t match what your rabbit would normally nibble and eat.

Can Rabbits Eat Peanut Shells?

If you offer your rabbit peanut shells, chances are they will leave them alone. However, peanut shells are not a good choice for rabbits due to their high fiber content. Skip the peanut shells to avoid gastrointestinal distress in your rabbit.

What about peanut plant grass?

Peanut plant hay is probably the only acceptable peanut product to offer your bunny. The grass of the peanut plant is considered a legume grass. The use of legume hay is recommended for rabbits that are pregnant, nursing, young, or underweight. However, compared to better hay alternatives such as timothy, legume hays provide little nutritional value with too much fiber and not enough calcium.


Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut shells, and other types of nuts are not a good food choice for rabbits. Peanuts can cause obesity and digestive problems and pose a choking hazard. If you want to treat your rabbit, it is better to give your rabbit fruit, such as a piece of banana or apple, or small pieces of carrots and broccoli.