Opaline lovebird

Opaline lovebird

The lovebird is an attractive small growing parrot that is popularly kept as a pet bird. They come in a variety of different colors and opaline is a common favorite. They have a large bill and a rounded tail. They live quite a long time and the oldest opaline lovebird lives to the age of 17. Opaline coloration is a new mutation in peach-faced lovebirds and was first discovered in 1977. The body consists mainly of irregular color patterns on its body making it a very attractive color version of the lovebird. The opaline lovebird is not an individual species, but a color and pattern mutation in peach face lovebirds.

This article will provide you with everything you need to know about the opaline lovebird!

Common Name:agapornis
scientific name:Agapornis roseicolis var.
size adult:5-7 inches
Life expectancy:10-15 years

Origin and History

The opaline lovebird originates from the United States and the mutation occurred by breeders who put together a pair of dark green peach-faced lovebirds. It seems that the opalin mutation has gender-lined features. Male parents transfer the gene to the daughter and the female transfers it to her son. All you need is a lovebird that has a dark factor gene to reproduce this opaline mutation. Females either show full opaline coloration, or they lack it completely.

Lovebirds are a small group of nine species of the Old World parrot family. Of the nine species, only eight are native to the African continent and the other species are native to Madagascar. Most species of lovebirds are kept as pets and have been selectively bred in aviculture to produce this beautiful coloration.


These are affectionate and social birds that form a close bond with their owner. Lovebirds enjoy being with their own kind which satisfies their need for interaction with each other. They can also be kept in breeding pairs, and they make a long-term commitment to their mate. They form strong bonds with their mates, and this is the best form of prosperity and attention they can get other than human contact. These lovebirds are generally described as active, playful, curious and full of personality for such a small bird. It is important to note that these birds can become aggressive and territorial if they have not been properly socialized from an early age. This can cause them to flap their wings aggressively or bite out of irritation and fear.

  • attractive colors
  • Can be kept in small cages
  • bond easily with your boss


  • bite when stressed or afraid
  • Difficult to tame over 3 years old

Speech and Vocalization

Opaline lovebirds are very talkative and often chirp. It’s usually a low chirp that shouldn’t bother the house too much. They do not speak like parrots and therefore have less control over the noises they make. Many lovebird owners will describe their chirping as calming and it will eventually become white noise that you will get used to.

opaline lovebird colors and markings

Opalin colors have a red or orange-headed lovebird instead of the peach color seen in standard colored lovebirds. Their plumage is usually pale green or yellow, and some have a mixture between the two. The colors don’t fade into a second which makes the Opalin Lovebird stand out among other variations. There are many different versions of opaline lovebirds, and they may also be labeled as pied or edged tenacious. The color of the opaline lovebird is light white which differentiates the color of the head from the rest of the body. Their characteristics are different, and it is easy to determine which lovebird has an opaline coloration.

  • Orange-headed Lutino Opalin: The head is a deep orange, and the rest of the body is bright yellow with a deep red tinge and red lines at the ends.
  • Red Headed Lime Opalene: The face is pale orange in color with a pale green body and dark red at the ends of the tail feathers.
  • Peach Faced Heavy Pied Opalin: The front of the head is a mix of red and orange, with the body being pale green.
  • Red-headed slender opaline: The body is light green throughout, and the head is distinctive as a deep red and orange color in contrast to the body.
  • Red-headed green opaline: This opaline is the most common color in lovebirds. The head is separate from the body and is a lovely ruby ​​and orange color. The body is dark green and the white plumage fades to distinguish each color.

Opalene Lovebird Care

Cage Size

Lovebirds may be small, but they need the largest possible cage to thrive. A larger cage not only allows them to fly and spread their wings, but also helps reduce stress by making sure they don’t feel cramped. The cage should be above the ground and away from other pets such as dogs or cats. The typical minimum size cage for a pair of lovebirds is 20 inches long and 25 inches long. This allows you to add in enough toys to keep them busy and thriving. The more lovebirds you plan to keep, the larger the cage should be.


Lovebirds usually groom each other. This is a form of bonding and can help to comfort both birds. They will also bathe in a shallow bowl of freshwater. This behavior is natural, and they will bathe more often in the summer to cool themselves off. You do not need to bathe them yourself and you should not use any type of shampoo unless otherwise advised by an avian vet.


Lovebirds don’t need to be kept together, but this will make them difficult to tame and they will miss out on their kind of natural bond. It is best to keep them in male and female pairs or in same sex groups. Even if they get a lot of interaction with their humans, they still won’t reach the security and bond they will feel with other lovebirds.

common health problems

These birds do not have many health problems if kept in healthy and right conditions. Keeping your lovebirds healthy is easy if you always keep them in a clean cage with fresh food and water. They are prone to developing a number of diseases that are common in many types of pet birds.

The following diseases are common in birds that are fighting, kept outside in cold temperatures, spread by various birds, unclean environments and rotting food. These health problems are serious and require immediate treatment from an avian veterinarian.

  • Psittacine beak and feather disease (from battle wounds)
  • yeast infection
  • Avian pox (from wild birds)
  • Egg binding (women only)
  • tick
  • bacterial infections
  • parasites
  • coccidiosis
  • intestinal influenza

diet and nutrition

Lovebirds are granivores and frugivores. In the wild, they will consume foods such as seeds, berries, fruits, nuts, grains, corn, corn, grasses and leaf buds. This is a fairly varied diet, and should be replicated in captivity to ensure optimal nutrition. A high quality lovebird seed mix will suffice as a staple diet. You should supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, zucchini, broccoli, mango and papaya. The basis of an opaline lovebird’s diet should be 60%-80% seed and pellet mix, and the other percentage should be made up of fresh foods.


Your opaline lovebird should receive the main amount of exercise and enrichment through toys and a large amount of space in their cage. Your lovebirds should be able to fly easily to different areas of the cage. That means without them knocking over toys or other lovebirds. Birds like to spread their wings and this also allows for relaxation. If your boyfriend doesn’t get enough exercise or mental stimulation he will get stressed. Time out of the cage is also important and they should be allowed to fly around in a small, bird-proof room.

Where to Adopt or Buy an Opaline Lovebird

You can adopt or purchase an opaline lovebird from most pet stores that sell a variety of parrots and birds. They can sell for as little as $50 per bird, but higher-grade opaline lovebird colors will cost more. Before you decide to buy an opaline lovebird, you should check whether local avian shelters have one for adoption. The adoption fee is generally low and is meant to help support the rescue or shelter. If you are looking for high-grade opalines with rare colors, an ethical breeder is the next best option. Breeders will typically sell opaline lovebirds for $100 to $250.


Opaline lovebirds can make a great addition to your family. Their short bodies are full of personality, and they are generally easy pets to care for. It is recommended to take them to the avian vet every few months to have their feathers trimmed. This will prevent them from flying long distances in case they run out of an open window or door. If you love birds and want to add a colorful bird to your home, then the opaline lovebird is the perfect choice.