Can Ferrets Eat Eggs

Can Ferrets Eat Eggs

Let’s know about Can Ferrets Eat Eggs. Eggs are often regarded as a superfood in the human diet because they are a complete source of animal protein and are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Because they are so nutritious for us, you may also be wondering if they are safe and healthy for your ferret. The answer is yes, eggs are safe for most ferrets in moderation. There are a few nuances you should know about before offering this superfood to your pet, so let’s dive in!

Do Ferrets Naturally Eat Eggs?

Many ferret owners worry that food not consumed by ferrets in the wild may be unhealthy for them. The good news is that ferrets are obligate carnivores, meaning they process protein most efficiently, they hunt for their food, and they only consume animals and animal products.

According to the ferret experts at, wild ferrets feed on small animals, and they will happily eat any bird eggs they can find. The fact that they eat eggs in the wild should ease your worries a bit, but let’s look at the health benefits as well.

Are Eggs Healthy for Ferrets?

Eggs are a complete and abundant source of animal protein for both humans and ferrets, and since ferrets are carnivores that process protein best, eggs make a healthy and nutritious snack when included in their diet. You can supply your ferret with about six grams of protein per egg.

According to Pets Right, Exotic Direct, ferrets require a diet high in fat due to their short digestive tracts. Eggs contain a healthy amount of both protein and fat, so this makes them an almost ideal breakfast for your ferret.

In addition to abundant protein and healthy fats, eggs contain vitamin D, also known as calcium, a vitamin not found in many food sources. According to veterinarians at Vetark, a lack of vitamin D in ferrets can result in decreased bone density, among other issues. Eggs are an excellent source of calcium, so they will help your ferret get his needed daily amount.

Is there any risk in that?

No one food is perfect, and while eggs are largely beneficial to your ferret, they should not replace your ferret’s regular diet, as there are some health risks associated with overfeeding.

The experts at ExoticDirect also mention that too much egg can cause constipation in your ferret, which can lead to discomfort and additional health problems. For this reason, you should limit your ferret to one or two eggs a week, and you should introduce them gradually at first. Jumping up to two weeks with eggs in your diet can be problematic, so start with half, watch for signs of complications, and introduce a little more the following week.

There is also some concern about feeding ferrets to baby eggs, as they have a specialized diet when they are kits. The pet experts at Chewy note that kits under three to four weeks old should only consume their mother’s milk, so avoid giving your ferret eggs until they are older and able to eat solid food. Don’t be able

Are raw eggs okay for my ferret?

Eggs can be given to your ferret in a number of ways. Some owners prefer to feed raw eggs to their ferrets, but this is a bit controversial. PetMD’s pet health experts recommend only serving your ferret cooked foods, as raw meat and eggs have the potential to carry harmful bacteria.

Other sources note that some raw eggs are fine for your ferrets. Pet Health Research from Veterinary Nurse warns that biotin deficiency is a serious concern if eggs make up more than 10% of your ferret’s diet, but making sure some raw eggs are safe for your ferret.

Given the conflicting information, it is better to be safe and cook the eggs before giving them to your pet!

How can I serve an egg to my ferret?

If you decide to treat your ferret to some eggs, you may want to consider what types of eggs they can eat. Chicken eggs are most popular due to their availability, but quail eggs or other bird eggs will also be fine for ferrets.

It doesn’t matter how you cook the eggs, so you can decide or do some experimentation to find out what your ferret’s preferred method is. Hard boiling and scrambling are easiest, so these may be your best options.

Offer your ferret a cooked egg with their other food or as a standalone treat, and remember to note any bouts of constipation after eating. This can happen when your ferret is eating eggs for the first time, but keep watching for discomfort the first few times to be safe.


Eggs are safe to give to your ferret as long as they are offered in moderation. Too much egg in your pet’s diet can lead to constipation and related discomfort, so you’ll definitely want to avoid feeding your ferret eggs. If they are fully cooked, eggs provide a very healthy amount of protein and fat, both of which your ferret needs, as well as essential vitamins. One to two cooked eggs per week are a great addition to your ferret’s diet, and they will likely be more than happy with a treat!